Telemachus in the odyssey
Telemachus in the odyssey


It is through this journey that Telemachus is able to prove his worth. His son then decided to go on a journey and look for him. The father created the distance by being far from home for twenty years. The physical distance between the father and the son is vital and cements their relationship. In the Odyssey, the father and the son spend most of their time apart and it is through distance that they developed admiration and love for each other. Through distance, a son and a father establish their share of beliefs and values but not through direct contact The relationship A son must earn his father’s respect and it is by leaving home and fighting his own battles that a son is able to achieve this. However, it is surprisingly that distance earned the father –son affection. In Odyssey therefore, it is expected that the relationship of Odysseus and Telemachus is as admiring as it is the father is proud of his son, who is courageous and the son is proud of his father who has earned a reputation as a warrior who defended his territory bravely. Their sons were mostly prized too if they exhibited their father’s achievements and skills. The men were highly respected especially those that were strong and courageous. For instance, that the structure and the organization of the Greeks was patriarchal (Caldwell 40). ” Then Odysseus gladly agreed, and in the voice and form of Mentor she made a covenant of peace between the two parties.In Homer’s most famous epic poem, “The Odyssey” there is certain facts that are obvious to the reader about the nature of a father –son relationship.

telemachus in the odyssey telemachus in the odyssey

” Then Zeus sent a lighting bolt that struck in front of Athene, so Athene said to Odysseus, “Odysseus, noble son of Laertes, stop this battle, or Zeus will be angry with you. Athene spoke stating ,”men of Ithaca, cease this dreadful war, and settle the matter at once without further bloodshed. Athene last and final help was when she interrupted the relatives of the suitors from attacking in revenge of the suitors deaths. Athene also made the Odysseus’ enemies miss with their attacks and Athene gave As Odysseus was fighting the suitors, Athene made Odysseus appear to look stronger to strike fear in the suitors. Athene later restores Odysseus to his own form when he reveals himself to his son and together after twenty years they plan a vengeance on Penelopes wooers.


Athene also helped Odysseus by counseling him on how to handle the suitors, and she disguises him as an old begger so no one will recognize him immediatly. Odysseus look better by making him look taller, stronger, and giving him more hair on his head. As they were going to Naussicaa’s place Athene made Odysseus invisible so the guards would not see him and Athene made Nausicaa washed Odysseus up, gave him clothes, and told him how to act when they return to her place. So when Odysseus came to shore he was ugly and he scared the other women on the beach away, except Nausicaa. Athene even helped Odysseus by telling Naussicaa to do her laundry at the beach and telling her to help the man she meets.


She helped by persuading the gods to free Odysseus from Calypso. Athene also helped Penelope by giving her a dream of gulls, representing the suitors, and an eagle, representing Odysseus, killing the gulls.Īthene helped Odysseus numerous ways as well. Athene even made Penelope appear more beautiful than she really was, because Penelope was actually really ragged. Athene gave Penelope hope of Odysseus returning. Athene helped her by comforting her so she would not go into a nervous break down over all her stress, the suitors and Odysseus returning or not.

telemachus in the odyssey

Athene helped Penelope numerous way also.

telemachus in the odyssey

Athene also helped Telemachus by appearing to him in a dream, urging him to return to Ithaca and warning him about the ambush of the suitors.

Telemachus in the odyssey